Garden sauna in springView of the rising sun from the retreat centerBreakfast fruit saladOur flower meadowSpring creek in our gardenFire pit summerLegume salad with dandelionMusic circleChicory with beeVanilla-citrus cheesecakeBrimstone butterfly feedingThe elegant flooring of the CasaAutumn contrastsBanana breadAutumn colorsAutumn sunsetView of our house on a winter dayFresh from the ovenView from one of our terracesFirewoodSunset gardenRoasted vegetablesAfternoon sunFreshness in a bowlMirabelle treeSunrise viewRainbow
Our surroundings
Summer walkGolden larchesForest walkHoarfrostSummer sunsetEnchanted forestHugging beechesDay in late summerMeadow in winterWinter sunsetSpring walkEvening walkHörnleberg PilgrimageConiferous treesMountain viewEnjoying the viewBlack-veined whiteEvening forest